3 Ways to Supportively Connect With Your Team When Tragedies Occur


Recently, 21 families lost loved ones in a shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. The shooter, who was 18, used an assault weapon, a semi-automatic rifle. His intentions and his plan were clear. Unfathomable, but clear.   


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Understanding Your Employee’s Trauma, It’s Impact, and How to Talk About It Effectively


Workplace trauma is real.

Traumatic events occur in every organization, so it is critical that you understand the different types of events that trigger a trauma response, how different people respond to traumatic events, and how you can mi

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The News Cycle and Current Events Are Not Going Away. Here's How to Address Them at Work

It is impossible to keep the news from affecting the workplace when the world is bombarding us with information about war, humanitarian crises, a global pandemic, senseless violence, and ongoing racial tensions. 

When leaders fail to address c

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To Become a More Effective Communicator, Learn to Manage Your Emotional Triggers


We've all had those days when we've overreacted in response to something a colleague, client, or supplier said to us. We may have felt attacked or belittled, and so we reacted poorly. It happens to the best of us, and the best way to recover fro

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