Our perspective influences our reactions, and it can lead us to respond poorly. When we react negatively to a person or a situation, it's often because our perspective was skewed by what we believed to be true at the moment. As our frustration incr
...As a business leader, every decision you make (or fail to make) affects others in your organization. The best decision makers know themselves well. They are clear about their perspective on the subject, aware of their biases, understand their perso
...Do you say whatever is on your mind without giving it much thought? Do you express the emotions you're feeling, including anger and frustration, in whatever way those feelings arise in that moment?
It makes sense. You want to communicate some
...Arguments don't just come out of nowhere (though it can certainly feel like they do). They arise when we aren't paying close attention. Perhaps you stopped paying attention to what's happening between you and the person you're speaking with and
...When your team is not meeting face-to-face, the potential for miscommunication or insufficient communication increases significantly. Managers may find that crucial conversations aren't happening because people are afraid to bring up controversial
...We've all had those days when we've overreacted in response to something a colleague, client, or supplier said to us. We may have felt attacked or belittled, and so we reacted poorly. It happens to the best of us, and the best way to recover fro
...Ah, perfection. Have you ever turned down a speaking engagement because you tend to trip over your words? Have you ever ended a conversation before getting into the meat of it because you weren't sure how to start? Have you ever struggled to find t
...Healthy relationships are built on a foundation of trust. The benefit of the doubt is the most powerful tool for establishing and maintaining trust in any important relationship, whether it be with customers or in your personal life. But what is th
...Have you ever found yourself struggling to meet all the demands on your time? It can feel like you're running just to stand still.
You're creating presentations, going to meetings, writing reports, responding to an urgent client call, dealing
...Commitment is a mandatory ingredient for healthy relationships and organizations. It creates resilience for an organization and is at the core of building trust and loyalty. Commitment is a Key Element of The Relationship Protocol communication mod